Welcome to the St. Mary Magdalene
St. Mary Magdalene Church is a Catholic community of faith in the Diocese of Joliet.
Our parish is named for the great woman of the New Testament. Mary of Magdala is mentioned in all four Gospels.
Because of that we can conclude that she was influential among the early followers of Jesus. We know that she was one of the women who aided
Jesus in Galilee and that she, along with Mary, the mother of Jesus, witnessed his crucifixion and burial. All four gospels place her at the foot of the cross with Mary and the beloved disciple.
Mary Magdalene with the first person to actually see the Risen Christ. Most importantly she is given a commission by Jesus to "go to my brothers." (John 20:17)
She went and happily announced to the other disciples, "I have seen the Lord!" (John 20:18)
Mary is revered in the Eastern Churches as the "Apostle of the Apostles." She was sent by Jesus, himself, to announce the "Good News" of the Resurrection. She is indeed
a saintly woman and worthy of our imitation. Our patron saint was a person of great faith and determination, as well as, a practical one. St. Mary Magdalene is remembered on her feast day, July 22.
As pastor I look forward to working with our parishioners and ministering to them and their families. As a parish we will focus on several areas: Our Worship as a people of faith; Continuing to build a Community of believers; Evangelizing and outreach to new members; A Sensitivity to the needs of the poor and suffering; and a Shared Responsibility to support the financial obligations of our parish.
May God bless you,
Vigil 4:00pm
Mass 9:00 & 10:30 am
Daily Mass
Monday to Friday 7:30 am |
Holy Days
Please see the parish bulletin
Saturday 3:00– 3:30 pm
Fully ADA
Daily Mass
Tuesday &
Thursday 7:30 am |
Official Facebook Page
St. Mary Magdalene
Parish Office
in the School Building
201 S.
Briggs Street Joliet, Illinois 60433