Expectant parents are asked to prepare for the
celebration of baptism well in advance by
participating in a baptismal preparation class
before the birth of their child. Please call
the Rectory to register for this required class.
Coming soon.
The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated on Saturday from 3:00 pm until 3:30 pm. The Reconciliation Room
is located at the rear of the church. Confessions
are also available by appointment.
Reception of a sacrament requires adequate knowledge and preparation. Eighth Grade Confirmation preparation must be immediately preceded by two consecutive years of regular attendance in religious instruction.
Couples are asked to call the Rectory before setting a date for the wedding or making other commitments. The diocese requires a minimum preparation time of six months between the first conference and the wedding.
Becoming a Catholic
The process of conversion occurs when one seeks a greater relationship with Jesus Christ through his Church. Adults who desire to become full members of the Catholic Faith are encouraged to inquire about the Church and the
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.).
The O.C.I.A. enables participants to journey through various stages of spiritual formation, study, and prayer. New Catholics are initiated at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday, when the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are celebrated.
If you, or someone you know, is drawn to the
Catholic Faith, and have discerned the call of God
in your life, please call the Church Office at St. Mary Magdalene. (815) 722-7653.
Children's Liturgy of the
Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered each
Sunday during the 9:30 am Mass for pre-school to
fourth grade children.
Religious Education
St. Mary Magdalene Religious Education meets
during the school year on Saturday morning from 8:30
to 10:00 am. Classes are offered for grades
Sick and Infirm
Call the Rectory to have Holy Communion brought
to shut-ins, or to celebrate the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick. Please notify the
Rectory Office whenever a family member is seriously
ill, hospitalized, or in a nursing home.
Upon the death of a loved one, before publication
in the newspaper, please contact the Rectory
directly to schedule the funeral Mass.